6th October 2020
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: P2S1 Assessment Weeks – Years 9, 10 and 11
On behalf of everyone at the Halewood Academy I would like to thank all parents and carers for the support they have shown shown since the start of the academic year. Additionally, I would like to congratulate the children for the fantastic start that they have made. During the first six weeks back in school, it has been wonderful to see how the pupils have adapted to the changes of school life. Pupils have displayed resilient and positive attitudes to their learning.
Throughout the academic year we will continue to assess pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding. This is vitally important because it allows teachers to evaluate progress and build timely intervention to further support individual learning. The first of the Progress 2 Success (P2S) assessment weeks will take place week commencing Monday 12th October 2020 and will last for two weeks. Assessments will take place during normal lesson time with the class teacher.
In lessons, teaching staff have ensured that all revision topics and revision materials have been covered and to compliment this, they have also been uploaded on to the Academy’s remote learning platform - Microsoft Teams. The platform is accessible via the Academy’s website.
Please ensure that your son/daughter utilizes “Teams” as a remote learning platform to consolidate their learning for the upcoming P2S assessment round. Moving forwards in this current chapter of school life, remote learning will play a significant role.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D. Day
Vice Principal