The Wade Deacon Trust Uniform Policy is available on our polices page
You will need to buy school ties, blazers and skirts from one of these shops. All other items can be bought anywhere.
Supplier | Address | Tel Number | |
Liverpool Schoolwear | 298 St. Mary’s Road Liverpool L19 0NQ | 0151 345 3797 |
AMJ Schoolwear | 48-50 London Road, Liverpool L3 5NF | 0151 709 7009 |
Kitted Out | 333 Aigburth Road, L17 0BL | 0151 727 2000 |
114 Allerton Road, Liverpool, L18 | 0151 733 5533 |
Students in KS3 have four PE practical lessons over the fortnight timetable. KS4 have one practical lesson of CORE PE each week, in addition to any PE courses they opt for during their GCSE Studies. This meets Government guidelines allowing pupils to improve physical, social and emotional health. Students are required to bring full Halewood PE kit for all these lessons.
What PE kit do pupils need and where can I purchase it?
Halewood branded items can be found at our suppliers or email
This kit has been designed in response to pupil feedback around style, material and cost. Therefore we hope that it offers comfort as well as being fit for purpose, and helps families with rising costs.
In the same way we have high standards and expectations of school uniform, the PE department adheres to the school uniform policy for its kit, therefore we expect all pupils to wear the Halewood PE kit each lesson.
Can pupils wear other sports clothing that is not Halewood specific kit?
It is compulsory for all pupils to wear the Halewood kit. There is no option to wear alternative sports clothing or for pupils to wear their own sports clothing to their PE lesson. This is in line with the whole school uniform policy where we have high standards and expectations as pupils are representing Halewood.
It should be a very rare occasion that alternative clothing should be used for lessons. For example if pupils have outgrown their kit, or the kit is being washed from a recent lesson. However these occurrences should be minimal. Therefore, can we please ask for your support in ensuring your child brings the correct PE kit when they are timetabled for practical PE lessons.
What if my child is ill or injured?
If pupils are injured or ill a note should be brought in from home to explain. However pupils should still bring their PE kit as staff will offer alternative roles for pupils. For example coaching, umpiring/referring, score keeping, limited positional play. Class teachers will also allow additional breaks and rests to support the pupil. These strategies will allow pupils to continue to make progress along with the rest of the group and in line with the PE curriculum.
If pupils have a major injury or illness then they may not be able to get changed or participate fully for a prolonged period of time. If this is the case please send in medical evidence to help us support your child and contact the class teacher to discuss how we can assist the pupil within their PE lessons.
What if my child forgets their kit?
If a pupil forgets their PE kit the department have a wide range of spare items that can be borrowed. These items are washed after each use, therefore pupil's and parents can rest assured they are clean and ready to wear when required. Pupils should not refused to borrow kit, as these items are their support progress and ensure that pupils can participate fully and not miss out on any learning opportunities.
What if my child forgets their kit on a few occasions/regularly?
From time to time some pupils can struggle to remember their kit and organise themselves ready for the lesson. The PE department send a text to parents every afternoon as a reminder for the following day. There are also posters around school with each year groups PE timetable displayed. Form tutors can also print off additional copies of the timetable if pupils need them.
However, sometimes the following sanctions are also needed as a consequence of forgetting PE kit and / or refusing to borrow spare kit:
Can my child wear the old style PE kit?
Yes, if the old version/style of the PE kit still fits your child then they are more than welcome to use it. The new kit can be purchased as and when you need it, or wish to purchase any of the optional items.
How can school support me with PE kit?
If there are any issues around PE kit we can always offer support and assistance to families. If you have any questions or need support regarding PE kit please contact school by emailing or your contact your child's class teacher.
Hopefully will we will see an improvement in the standard of kit if we work together. Please remember we can support if needed. If you have any questions please contact school by emailing
In order to guarantee receipt of your child's uniform, we recommend you place your order as soon as possible. Below are some links to help you order the correct sizes.
The following are links to YouTube videos to help you:
You will need to buy school ties, blazers and skirts from one of these shops. All other items can be bought anywhere else.
Black blazer with blue trim and Academy badge
School Kilt
Plain white buttoned school shirt
Plain black V neck jumper (optional)
Academy tie, to be worn at a standard length with Academy crest on display
Plain white socks (no bows)
Navy blue
Sensible plain black shoes - See pictures below for examples of good and bad.
Plain white buttoned school shirt