For child protection issues, your contacts at Halewood Academy are:.
Mrs N Cross
Vice Principal
Designated Safeguarding Lead
0151 477 8830
Mrs Fran Campbell
Leader of the Safeguarding Hub
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Child Protection Co-ordinator
0151 477 8830
Mrs C Roe
School Governor for Child Protection
0151 477 8830
Mr David Day
Designated Teacher for LAC/previously LAC
Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
0151 477 8830
Mr G Harrison
Vice Principal/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
0151 477 8830
Mrs Danielle Smallwood
Assistant Safeguarding Officer
0151 477 8830
In addition, you can contact the school Safer Schools Police Officer via the School Office.
The Knowsley Safeguarding Board is an independent body responsible for ensuring individuals and organisations work effectively together to protect children and young people. Safeguarding is when a professional, family member or member of the public is concerned about a child’s welfare or safety.
A new website has been launched which provides essential information for parents/carers, professionals and volunteers working with children as well as children and young people themselves.
The website is also mobile friendly, so you can keep up to date with the latest news and download important policy information whilst on the go.
To find out more about Knowsley Safeguarding Board, visit
Our Safeguarding Student Friendly poster gives guidance and advice to all our pupils regarding any safeguarding concerns at Halewood Academy. Please click the below poster to enlarge,
Halewood Academy is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for every child in the school. The Academy upholds every child’s right to the care and protection that promotes his/her human growth and sense of personal warmth and dignity. Staff aim to provide a place where children feel confident to talk openly and be sure of being listened to. Parents/carers will always be informed of concerns unless staff are certain that the safety of the young person will be prejudiced by their so doing. Parents/carers are made aware that the Academy will take reasonable action to ensure the safety of its young people. In cases where the Academy has reason to be concerned that young person may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff will follow Knowsley Safeguarding procedures and inform Social Services of their concern.
At Halewood Academy, we are committed to providing a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment. All members of our school community, students, parents/carers, governors and staff have rights and responsibilities to promote positive behaviour, hold high expectations and be role models to others. It requires consistency of practice across the school and community to ensure students know the standard of behaviour that is expected of them.
To support this, the Academy’s Vision is 'We Seek the Best' and the Core Values are:
To ensure we develop confident and competent young adults prepared to enter the wider world and to reach their full potential, there is an emphasis on good order and respect that in turn, enables high quality teaching and learning for all members of the school community. All students have the right to learn and all staff have the right to carry out their duties in a positive learning environment, free from interference or disruption.
The Academy recognises the importance of developing and maintaining relationships with parents/carers and the wider community to continue to sustain high standards of student behaviour. We hope that by encouraging positive behaviour throughout the Academy, we can promote good relationships that are built on trust, understanding and mutual respect.
The Principal, governors and all staff have established a set of simple rules and expectations which are understood and adhered to by students, parents/carers and all staff.
The most important of all is the day to day climate and ethos of the Academy ‘We Seek the Best’ that is promoted through:
What is bullying and how do we deal with it?
Halewood Academy Anti-Bullying Policy
At Halewood Academy staff are committed to providing a caring, friendly safe environment as reflected in the mission statement - Inspirational teaching for aspirational learners. A community where we value diversity - staff, students and parents working together to create a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment.
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. If bullying does occur, all students should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. The academy is a TELLING environment, which means anyone who believes bullying is happening is expected to tell staff. The form tutor is the first point of contact to provide invaluable back up in supporting victims and in helping to resolve issues.
What is Bullying?
Bullying can be defined as any repeated words or actions, which are aimed at causing someone to feel frightened, miserable and helpless. Bullying is deliberately hurtful repeated over a period of time difficult for victims to defend themselves against.
If you are concerned that your child is being bullied then
Halewood Academy is strongly opposed to discrimination on the grounds of a person's race, racial group, colour, ethnic or national origins, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief. Halewood Academy condemns all discriminatory attitudes, either through comment or conduct. The staff expect that parents/carers and students think it right to adopt a similar attitude and provide support for the Academy and its anti-discriminatory policies. Racist behaviour may be defined as: “…..any hostile or offensive act or incitement by a person of one racial and ethnic origin against a person of another racial group or ethnic origin”, (Commission for Racial Equality).
For the school’s current safeguarding policies please visit
Online Guides to Internet Safety for Children: