Halewood Academy is committed to ensuring that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment, without fear of being bullied.Halewood Academy staff are committed to providing a caring, friendly safe environment as reflected in the mission statement - Inspirational teaching for aspirational learners. A community where we value diversity - staff, students and parents working together to create a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment.
Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Halewood Academy. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. The Academy is a TELLING environment, which means anyone who believes bullying is happening is expected to tell staff. The form tutor is the first point of contact to provide support for pupils and in helping to resolve issues.
Bullying can take many forms including:
If you are concerned that your child is being bullied, you can do the following;
We operate a zero-tolerance approach to bullying.
This means that the school recognises the adverse effects of bullying and as a result; it is not tolerated.
Therefore, on identifying bullying behaviour the school will address it effectively and promptly with support for victims. We will put measures in place that are fit-for-purpose and consider the individual circumstances of all parties involved in the situation. We will aim to put the victim at ease, be supportive and put actions in place that have a positive impact.
For all policies see link below: