At Halewood Academy, we use our core values to guide our decisions about assessment. We believe that:
In Years 10 and 11, GCSE target grades have been based on information from how students have performed in their subjects in KS3 (Year 10) and KS3/Y10 (Year 11) as due to Covid-19, students in the current Year 10 and 11 did not sit SATs in Primary School. ALL Subject Leaders have completed a thorough review of target gradesfor each individual student in Year 10 and 11 to ensure they are both aspirational and appropriate, based on the level of ability in that subject. These target grades were shared at the end of the academic year 2023-2024 and will be shared with all students at the start of September 2024.
In years 7 - 9 we use prior attainment from Key Stage 2 and some practical subjects may use a robust baseline. Each student is then assigned a progress pathway that is relative to each child’s ability so we, your child and yourselves can monitor their progress. These targets are then reviewed at the end of the year to ensure they are still aspirational and appropriate.
This is simply a guide and pathways could be subject to change based on each child’s achievements throughout their five years. As a school, we encourage all students to give their best and there should be no limitation on their achievements. This is a benchmark and if a child works hard and listens to feedback from their teacher, they can exceed expectation.
Progress Reports – KS3 (Years 7-9)
Progress Reports – KS4 (Years 10 and 11)
Example of the Year 11 P2S1 Grade Card is below:
Examples of Year 9, 10 and 11 P2S1 Grade Card and Report below:
Example of Year 10 P2S1 Grade Card
Example of Year 11 P2S1 Grade Card
Progress Reports
In Years 7 - 9, your child will receive 3 reports per year providing a full overview of where your child is currently working as well as providing an overview of the progress they are making.In addition, there will be a focus on RACER points, attendance, behaviour and attitude to learning.
In years 7 - 9, students will receive a written comment that reports progress in words for each subject.This is especially important in Years 7-9 where the information reported will be heavily based on the on-going learning in class, including green zones so that knowledge and skills can be built upon over the five-year journey.
In Years 10 and 11, assessment of key knowledge, skills and understanding that have been assessed will continue to be reported numerically and accompanied with a written comment to report progress in words.
Learning Journey
Is a visual representation of the subject content taught over five years. These will be made available by class teachers for Students.